Page 10 - CHINA WORLD No52六月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   JUNE 2020 / 2020 年 6 月刊  10


                              CHINA WORLD OFFICES RECEIVED ACCOLADE


                             PRECAUTIONARY EFFORTS AGAINST COVID-19

           2020 年 4 月,在朝阳区的“防疫先锋岗”和“防疫排头兵”                      The China World Offices division of China World Trade Center has been honored by Chaoyang district
           评选活动中,国贸中心写字楼部荣获“防疫先锋岗”称号。                           government for its COVID-19 pandemic prevention work.
           自年初新冠疫情爆发以来,国贸中心认真贯彻落实北京市、朝阳                         Since the outbreak at the beginning of the year, China World staffs have conscientiously implemented the
           区和建外街道关于疫情防控工作的部署与要求,始终把租户与客                         requirements of Chaoyang district and Jianwai subdistrict office in its pandemic prevention and control.
           人的健康与安全放在第一位,硬核科技结合人性化服务与管理措                         Through allying technology to humane services and management, China World staffs have won praise from
           施并举,为全体租户和客人构筑了一道稳固的安全防线,为首都                         tenants and visitors alike for their contribution to pandemic prevention and control. Today more than 360
           的疫情防控做出了应有的贡献,获得租户和客户的广泛好评。目                         office tenants have all safely returned to work.
           前,国贸写字楼 360 余家租户已全部做到安全有序复工。                         The staffs have always made the health and safety of tenants and visitors their top priority.
           荣誉代表过去,未来任重道远。国贸中心将不忘初心,牢记使命,                        The China World Trade Center management team will remain true to its original aspiration, keep the mission
           推进防疫常态化,做到守土有责、守土担责、守土尽责,以实                          firmly in mind, promote regular pandemic prevention and demonstrate its responsibility through proactive
           际行动彰显责任与担当。                                          precautionary measures.
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