Page 2 - CHINA WORLD No53七月刊
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CHINA WORLD   JULY 2020 / 2020 年 7 月刊  02

                  位于北京国贸商城的 DJI 大疆创新北京国贸旗舰店                                   Located in Beijing’s central business district, DJI’s Beijing

                  堪称科技与自然的融合之作。建筑外围由上下两层                                      China World Mall Flagship Store is the perfect combination

                  通透宽敞的玻璃幕墙包裹而成,透射而入的自然光                                      of technology and nature. The two-story building is

                  与木饰面展桌、工业质感的水泥墙面及双层发光天                                      wrapped with glass, filling the store with abundant natural

                  花板交相辉映,令人仿佛置身未来世界。配备电子                                      light that blends organically with the space’s wooden

                  触控屏的智能化展柜、赛博朋克风格的天空地面演                                      counters and industrial textures. Visitors can access

                  示空间、产品分解爆炸展示区、六自由度姿态平台                                      comprehensive product information using electronic

                  等黑科技呈现方式,为顾客带来立体、智能的沉浸                                      touchscreens, engage in hands-on product experiences

                  式购物体验。                                                      in the demo area, or experience DJI’s innovation and

                                                                              craftsmanship by exploring unique in-store displays.
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