Page 12 - CHINA WORLD No53七月刊
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CHINA WORLD   JULY 2020 / 2020 年 7 月刊  12

                                             夏啖凤城味 方以消烦暑


                                      CHINA WORLD SUMMIT WING, BEIJING

                                 LAUNCHES SHUNDE APPRECIATION SEASON

                北京国贸大酒店在七月仲夏推出顺德菜系尝鲜食单。有近 30 年厨艺经验的粤藉                              China world summit wing, Beijing will launch Shunde cuisine tasting
                中餐行政总厨董锦波师傅,用粗菜精做的厨艺体现“食不厌精,妙在家常”的顺                                list in mid-summer July. With nearly 30 years of culinary experience in
                德料理精随。复刻纪录片《寻味顺德》的觅食版图,不辞繁杂,推出二十余道经                                Guangdong, Chinese Executive Chef Dong Jinbo duplicates the famous
                典菜品。毋需远赴,即可感受顺德菜“清、鲜、爽、嫩、滑”的致臻美味。                                  documentary "A Bite of Shunde" and presents more than 20 classic
                “食在广州,味在顺德,厨出凤城”,顺德别称就是“凤城”。鱼米之乡顺德水                                dishes to local foodies.
                网交织,盛产淡水河鲜。此次尝鲜季推出道道珍馐。                                            Mandarin Fish Soup with Vegetables and Mushrooms, is one of the eight
                凤城七彩鱼蓉羹,是顺德人食鱼八法之一拆食的典型菜例,也是对《寻味顺德》                                methods of a typical dish for Shunde people to eat fish. Braised Chicken
                中菊花水蛇羹重新演绎。采用清甜桂花鱼,煎香蒸熟后拆出鱼骨成为鱼茸。再把                                with Ginger and Leek, with the copper plate heat-passing function of
                鱼骨熬汤,加入新会陈皮丝,丝瓜丝等七种辅料做成汤羹,即是驰名的“七彩拆                                quick cooking, so that the meat is more tender and smooth. Braised
                鱼羹”,功夫颇多,能吃到就不要错过。                                                 Goose with Taro and Soy Sauce, is a long history, rich characteristics of
                接着要一尝铜盆煎焗沙姜走地鸡,以铜盘传热快的功能快速烹调鸡肉,令肉质更                                Shunde famous dishes, the process is cumbersome. Cook with ginger
                为嫩滑。                                                               and sweet vinegar, and the sauce seeps into the goose meat after
                古法彭公鹅,是历史悠久,富有特色的顺德名菜,工序繁琐。此道菜的特点在于                                cooking. The slightly spicy, goose meat gravy of the ginger is all in the
                鹅肉吃起来酸甜惹味,嫩滑浓郁。以仔姜及甜醋烹调,焖煮后酱汁渗进鹅肉中。                                dark sweet vinegar. Another classic well-known dish is Baked Turbot
                仔姜的微辣、鹅肉的肉汁浑然天成于乌黑的甜醋当中,亦是配饭良品。                                    with Sea Salt in clay pot, the must-taste one. The fish will be broken into
                均安头菜腩肉蒸鲜鲍,大头冲菜与肥瘦相间的五花肉,鲍鱼一同蒸焗,咸中带鲜,                               pieces, and then add mushrooms and other flavorful ingredients, then
                还透着若有若无的甘甜。                                                        brewed back into the fish, then fried cut into pieces and then sprinkled
                另一道经典驰名河鲜,则是必尝的家乡煎酿土鲮鱼。鲮鱼被赋予“顺德鲍鱼”的                                with fish juice. It was not until the bite went down that it was only a
                美称。将鱼拆肉打成弹口的鱼胶,再加入马蹄、香菇、腊味再酿回鱼皮内,变回                                matter of surprise that the turbot had been transformed. Eat until the
                一条完整的鲮鱼,煎熟切块后淋上鱼汁。直到咬下去,才惊觉鲮鱼已经脱胎换骨,                               end, enjoy the classic Daliang double-skin milk custard as dessert.
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