Page 1 - CHINA WORLD No50三四月刊-FINAL
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          China WorldMar - Apr 2020 2020   3 - 4月刊

             A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information   每月带给您中国国际贸易中心的最新讯息

            高燕董事长现场指挥国贸中心防疫工作                郭惠光副董事长慰问国贸抗疫一线员工                林明志董事长感谢国贸中心租户的支持                陈延平副董事长陪同市领导在国贸中心调研
            Chairwoman Gao Yan directed epidemic prevention   Vice Chairwoman Kuok Hui Kwong greeted   Chairman Lim Beng Chee appreciated tenants of   Vice Chairman Chen Yanping accompanied
            work on site at the CWTC         frontline employees at CWTC      CWTC for their support           government officials on site at CWTC


           WITH YOU IN THE

           FIGHT AGAINST

           COVID -19

           2020 年春节伊始,新冠肺炎疫情突如其来。中国国际
                                                               A thank you letter was sent by Lim Beng Chee, chairman of China World Trade Center Co., Ltd., to all tenants

                                                                                                               When the news of the COVID-19
                                                                                                               pandemic broke around spring festival,
                                                                                                               the management and staff of China
                                                                                                               World Trade Center responded promptly
                                                                                                               with epidemic prevention and control
                                                                                                               measures, aiming toward the eventual
                                                                                                               goal of a return to work. With a spirit of
                                                                                                               service and fearless professionalism, all
                                                                                                               departments of China World, tenants
                                                                                                               and customers have joined together to
                                                                                                               get through a difficult time. With the
                                                                                                               situation in China now under control, we
                                                                                                               see promising buds of hope. We firmly
                                                                                                               believe spring is finally coming.
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